The Jaggedness Principle and Multi-Dimensional Nurture

Just over 70 years ago, artist Abram Belskie and obstetrician-gynecologist Robert Latou Dickinson designed Norma and Normman, two statues carved of white alabaster. They were based on the measurements of 15,000 men and women between the ages of 21 and 25 in an effort to represent the average man and woman. The results of their […]

Takeaway Tuesdays: Using fear in marketing (and not screwing it up)

Boo! You know what scares me? A world without the profound knowledge of Neil Patel. He wrote a great article on using fear as a marketing tactic, but preventing it from blowing up in your face. Here are my takeaways: One of the best ways to walk a safe line while still using fear in […]

Takeaway Tuesdays: Warming your way to a good reputation

Warming your IP is a crucial first step in establishing a successful ISP. Here are some great tips from Experian to help. Of course, you’re only warming your IP when you have a dedicated IP. Aren’t sure if you do? Reach out to us and we can help! Whether you’re moving to a new Email […]

3 outside the box ways to use Custom redirects in Pardot

Pardot has some fancy tricks up its sleeves, and one of the most under-utilized ones are custom redirects. Pardot’s custom redirects allow you to track any link on your website or a third party site (for example, a link your Twitter page, a banner ad on a third party site, etc.). Clicks on the link […]