The Nurturelabs Methodology

It’s no secret that most companies are spending their time sending one-off campaigns. We call them “Batch and Blast”. Static lists, one-time sends, maximum effort. Rinse and repeat. It’s costly, and it’s an uneven experience for your leads. We help you to migrate away from that mindset, and focus on ongoing programs.

We split our methodology into two parts.
Essential Programming, and Behavioral Programming.

Essential Programming

Exactly as it sounds, we want to be sure you don't have any major holes in your automation. We think of your Top of the Funnel, Middle of the Funnel, and Bottom of the Funnel campaigns here.

Behavioral Programming

Once the safety net of the essentials are out of the way, we focus on the good stuff. These are the hyper-targeted campaigns we're sending your highest performing leads into. These programs are behavior-driven. The contact leads the way, we simply deliver the tools to move forward.

Aligning with Sales

Once your higher-funnel campaigns are running, we repeat that framework for any of your other products and services. Which product goes first is entirely based around sales and performance. These campaigns are typically built out in conjunction with Sales Leadership for alignment.

Behavioral Programming

As the Essential Programs run, we begin to focus on Behavioral Programs. These include more specific nurtures, targeted at leads at a specific place in the buyer’s journey.

As we round out the start of the Behavioral Campaigns, we begin to explore holes in your automation. This is the time campaigns including cold lead nurturing and closed-lost programs.

Client’s love

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